Date of dispatch of this notice: 11/08/2021
Expire date: 24/09/2021
External Reference: 2b20b9f3-760c-48cd-b494-0e16cb206f3d
Date of dispatch of this notice: 11/08/2021
Expire date: 24/09/2021
External Reference: 2b20b9f3-760c-48cd-b494-0e16cb206f3d
Official name: Town and Country Housing
Address line 1: Monson House
Address line 2:Monson Way
Town: Tunbridge Wells
Postal Code: TN1 1LQ
Country: England
Contact person: Mathew Baxter
Phone: +44 1707339800
Title attributed to the contract: Town and Country Housing Group - Housing Maintenance Joint Venture
Town and Country Housing ("TCH") is seeking to procure a Maintenance Agreement and Joint Venture Partner to deliver repairs, maintenance and planned improvement works to its housing stock portfolio. TCH will adopt a contractual structure whereby TCH and the successful tenderer will enter into a contractual joint venture arrangement and may establish a new JV vehicle (the JV) and deliver the Programme. the proposed model is explained in more detail in the "Contract Structure" section of the Descriptive Document. The value of the core services (i.e. those services included in scope from contract commencement) is circa £5.2 million per annum and the total potential value of the contract with all options included is circa £700m over the whole term (including all possible extensions to 2050). TCH owns circa 10,000 properties dispersed throughout the whole of Kent and parts of East Sussex. The properties are a mixture of tenures consisting of general needs, market rented, leasehold and shared ownership. The Maintenance Agreement will be awarded for an initial period of 12.5 years, with the option to extend until 31st March 2050 at TCH's sole discretion. TCH does not intend to extend the contract by a single extension period of 15 years, but would explore extensions of shorter durations (for example, three periods of extension of five years each) . Although initially centred on the delivery of repairs and voids the contract has the provision to add in multiple additional workstreams including (but not limited to) cyclical maintenance services and planned and major works as set out in the procurement documents. The procurement is being undertaken using a "Competitive Dialogue" procedure (in accordance with Regulation 30 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015). Under the first stage of the process, bidders are required to complete a Selection Questionnaire ("SQ Stage") and associated appendices. Following evaluation of submitted SQs, TCH anticipates inviting six bidders to participate in the second stage of process and submit "Detailed Solutions" ("ISDS" Stage), following which it will shortlist three bidders to participate in Competitive Dialogue ("CD Stage") and submit Final Tenders ("ISFT" Stage). Full details of the requirements, the evaluation criteria and how to participate are included in the procurement documents, and a summary is provided in the Descriptive Document.
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