Date of dispatch of this notice: 23/07/2021
Expire date: 23/08/2021
External Reference: fc839f42-7711-4edb-9cdf-837df42c24f4
Date of dispatch of this notice: 23/07/2021
Expire date: 23/08/2021
External Reference: fc839f42-7711-4edb-9cdf-837df42c24f4
Official name: Police and Crime Commissioner for NWP
Address line 1: Force Headquarters, Glan-y -don, Abergele Road,
Town: Colwyn Bay, North Wales
Postal Code: LL29 8AW
Country: England
Contact person: Patricia Strong
Phone: +44 1492804247
Title attributed to the contract: ICT Enterprise Systems Services
Enterprise Systems Services are the services and activities required to provide and support NWP’s on premise data centre environment (300 virtual servers and approximately 60 physical servers ) and its components such as compute, storage, databases, middleware and backup environments as applicable for NWP hybrid cloud environment (on-premises, public cloud and managed/virtual managed cloud environment). The successful bidder may deploy additional systems to support the computing environment and to provide NWP infrastructure technical support. Outcomes required: NWP are developing a cloud migration approach including a cloud readiness assessment. NWP will require the successful bidder to support the reduction of the on-premise estate and the growth of the cloud footprint, likely utilising Azure in harmony with the National Enablement Programme.
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