Date of dispatch of this notice: 16/06/2021
Expire date: 30/06/2021
External Reference: 156c547e-f168-4e6f-b801-d52b79ecc51a
Date of dispatch of this notice: 16/06/2021
Expire date: 30/06/2021
External Reference: 156c547e-f168-4e6f-b801-d52b79ecc51a
Official name: West Yorkshire Police
Address line 1: PO Box 9
Town: Wakefield
Postal Code: WF1 3QS
Country: England
Contact person: Jemma Boocock
Phone: +44 7590356867
Title attributed to the contract: Fire Risk Assessments
West Yorkshire Police’s Health and Safety Team are seeking quotations from suitably experienced companies to provide a reliable and successful service for the goods/services described below - FIRE RISK ASSESMENTS
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