Date of dispatch of this notice: 06/05/2021
Expire date: 17/06/2021
External Reference: 5bc06cc8-7931-4a30-97d6-ab7f2f66664c
Date of dispatch of this notice: 06/05/2021
Expire date: 17/06/2021
External Reference: 5bc06cc8-7931-4a30-97d6-ab7f2f66664c
Official name: London Borough of Camden
Address line 1: 5 Pancras Square
Town: London
Postal Code: N1C 4AG
Country: England
Contact person: Roopam Bhachu
Phone: +44 02079746384
Title attributed to the contract: Bray, Burnham, Dorney, Taplow Towers Major Works Project
The scope of the major works are detailed in the technical specification and can be summarised as follows: The London Borough of Camden (‘the Council’) is seeking to award a contract for recladding works to the Bray, Burnham, Dorney and Taplow towers, together with associated works to the envelope of the buildings, including full window replacement, renewal of flat roofs, installation of building maintenance units (BMU), replacement of brickwork to the ground and first floor levels, including vents, louvers and canopies as well as insulation to the undercroft as required. Related works will include radiator installations, internal making good and decorating as well as installation of relevant power supplies to BMUs and louvers. The project will comprise of the replacement of the previous cladding system, which has been removed, the curtain walling, associated remedial work and making good, and window replacement throughout. The total façade area is approximately 30,000m2. Construction Duration: 22 to 25 months Please register and submit your tender via EU Supply using tender reference number 44355.
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