Date of dispatch of this notice: 28/02/2020
Expire date: 15/05/2020
External Reference: 034df7be-69c0-49e1-846b-690246317345
Date of dispatch of this notice: 28/02/2020
Expire date: 15/05/2020
External Reference: 034df7be-69c0-49e1-846b-690246317345
Official name: Leicestershire Police
Address line 1: Police Headquarters, St. Johns, Enderby
Town: Leicestershire
Postal Code: LE19 2BX
Country: England
Contact person: Jim Bates
Phone: +44 1162222222
Title attributed to the contract: Language Services
Leicestershire Police will be leading and awarding a language services arrangement on behalf of the following Police Forces. Also included are Home Office and its Arm’s Length Bodies (ALB’s) including but not limited to Border Enforcement and Immigration Removal services for the purposes of national security through border and immigration enforcement. The arrangement will be a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), which will be in place for a seven year period from commencement of the DPS. It is anticipated that the DPS wil commence in September 2020. Please note that the contract start and end dates are incorrect as the Contracts Finder date format doesn't cover Dynamic Purchasing Systems. The DPS qualification start date is 26/2/2020 to the expiry date is 31/08/2027.
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