Date of dispatch of this notice: 09/02/2020
Expire date: 24/04/2020
External Reference: 57eb0bc7-5292-48d8-925a-41096a2e4a7c
Date of dispatch of this notice: 09/02/2020
Expire date: 24/04/2020
External Reference: 57eb0bc7-5292-48d8-925a-41096a2e4a7c
Official name: London Borough of Camden
Address line 1: 5 Pancras Square
Town: London
Postal Code: N1C 4AG
Country: England
Contact person: Roopam Bhachu
Phone: +44 02079746384
Title attributed to the contract: Camden Property Works Framework
The London Borough of Camden (‘the Council’) is seeking to award a contract for the provision of delivering construction and property works (building improvements; repairs and maintenance, mechanical and electrical; plant improvements repairs and maintenance) for the Property Management and Development Divisions of the Supporting Communities Directorate, but also for use by the Council’s other Directorates and Divisions. An option for London Borough of Islington to participate in this framework is retained. In total there are 7 seven lots and a tender should be submitted for each lot you wish to tender for. The lots are: Lot 1 - General building improvement works Lot 2 - Cyclical decorations and repairs Lot 3 - Fire safety improvement and upgrade works Lot 4 - Life replacement and major upgrades Lot 5 - Electrical system replacement and major upgrades Lot 6 - Heating and water management system replacement and major upgrades Lot 7 - New build and regeneration
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