Live Opportunity



Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/09/2019

Expire date: 25/10/2019

External Reference: ba01fa84-08fb-4034-a717-bbf05dce9591

Live Opportunity

Cached Version

Preliminary Data

Type of contract: Services
Procedure: Open

Contact information

Official name: NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG
Address line 1: Floor 1 North, Cardinal Square,
Address line 2:10 Nottingham Road
Town: Derby
Postal Code: DE1 3QT
Country: England
Contact person: Lisa Innes
Phone: +44 1332888014

Contract information

Title attributed to the contract: Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (NHS AGEM CSU) on behalf of NHS Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group (formally known as NHS Erewash, NHS Hardwick, NHS Southern Derbyshire and NHS North Derbyshire CCG) are inviting Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified providers capable of delivering Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) services to the patients registered with member GP Practices of NHS Derby & Derbyshire CCG’s for which they are the responsible commissioner.

The IAPT programme remains high on the political agenda with CCGs being performance managed on access and recovery targets at regional and national level.

The current services are due to expire on 31.3.2020, which are Commissioned via an Any Qualified Provider (AQP) process, meaning that patients can choose the provider and location of their service. Services are paid on a fixed tariff.

Key aims of the service are:
• People receive a prompt initial assessment following referral, i.e. no longer than 6 weeks.
• The treatment people received commenced promptly after their initial assessment, as per IAPT manual
• People feel better as a result of the treatment they received.
• People over 65 years are able to access a service when they need it.
• People from black and minority ethnic groups are able to access IAPT services and have the same recovery rates when compared to the rest of the population.
• People who reside in the 100 most deprived LSOAs (local super output areas) have the same recovery rates when compared to the rest of the population accessing Derbyshire IAPT services.

Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
85140000   Miscellaneous health services

Expire date: 25/10/2019
Contract start date: 01/04/2020
Contract end date: 31/03/2022

Lowest value: 0
Highest value: 1

Complementary information

Is this suitable for SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)?:
Is this suitable for VCSE (Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise)?:

East Midlands

Additional Details

Attachment 0

The reference for this service IAPT AQP 2019 ID: 37190.

Once registered please complete the questions within Tender quote IAPT AQP 2019 ID: 37190.
