Date of dispatch of this notice: 25/04/2018
Expire date: 16/05/2018
External Reference: 8a38a55a-e363-496f-8249-53927668dd1f
Date of dispatch of this notice: 25/04/2018
Expire date: 16/05/2018
External Reference: 8a38a55a-e363-496f-8249-53927668dd1f
Official name: The Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire
Address line 1: Force Headquarters, Butterley Hall
Town: Ripley, Derbyshire
Postal Code: DE5 3RS
Country: England
Contact person: Joan Watson
Phone: +44 3001225371
Title attributed to the contract: Architectural Services Consultant for the Proposed Policing Hub North East Derbyshire
Derbyshire Constabulary are looking to appoint an Architectural Services Consultant for the Proposed Policing Hub North East Derbyshire – Approximate Locality M1 J29a. The development will be in use 24/7/365 as an Operational Police Station but without provision for custody.
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