Date of dispatch of this notice: 15/08/2017
Expire date: 03/10/2017
External Reference: 4b29eb9f-1a97-4fd1-b61f-5ddf04176d12
Date of dispatch of this notice: 15/08/2017
Expire date: 03/10/2017
External Reference: 4b29eb9f-1a97-4fd1-b61f-5ddf04176d12
Official name: Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Address line 1: Lawes Bridge
Town: Torquay
Postal Code: TQ2 7AA
Country: England
Contact person: Sue Fankhauser
Phone: +44 1803653391
Title attributed to the contract: Market Engagement - Technology Enabled Care
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust are reviewing the delivery of Technology Enabled Care and monitoring services in Torbay which are currently run by an in-house service. We are also conducting a benchmarking exercise looking at costs for similar services. We would like to hear from any Providers who are interested and able to provide the full service from equipment, installation and monitoring and/or can provide benchmarking information as well as any other innovative solution. For further information at this stage the following web link may be of use: Please see full letter in the document section
Please review documents