Date of dispatch of this notice: 07/06/2017
Expire date: 14/07/2017
External Reference: cfe3e4c8-19c5-44c1-b494-ca91afb40e34
Date of dispatch of this notice: 07/06/2017
Expire date: 14/07/2017
External Reference: cfe3e4c8-19c5-44c1-b494-ca91afb40e34
Official name: London Borough of Camden
Address line 1: 5 Pancras Square
Town: London
Postal Code: N1C 4AG
Country: England
Contact person: Mark Everest
Phone: +44 02079745514
Title attributed to the contract: Camden Town Hall Comprehensive Refurbishment and Remodelling Project – Development Manager Appointment
Camden Town Hall Comprehensive Refurbishment and Remodelling Project – Development Manager Appointment
Additional data
User / Company