Provision of Healthwatch Barnsley - PIN Notice

The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to notify the market of our upcoming procurement for the Provision of Healthwatch Barnsley. Healthwatch is the independent consumer champion for health and social care. Healthwatch should be the voice of the community and aim to influence services in direct response to feedback from local people. Healthwatch Barnsley will also act as a signposting service to local people with regards to their health and social care choices. Healthwatch Barnsley must be highly visible and easily accessible to all individuals within the Barnsley borough. They will be represented on a number of strategic groups e.g. Barnsley Health and Wellbeing Board, and the Place Partnership Board/Delivery group Integrated Care Delivery Board/Partnership and as part of the NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care System, to influence key decisions and offer direct representation of the local community. The service must be dynamic and responsive, not only representing the local population, but also linking them to health and social care providers. The Provider must take steps to embed the service so that it is an integral part of the health and social care landscape and be valued by residents and professionals alike. This notice is for information only and does not constitute a formal commencement of a procurement process. Tenders to be published 1st October 2024 for a period of 30 days with a contract start date of 1st April 2025. Please note that this is an indicative timescale and may change. The proposed contract term will be 4 years. Can all interested bidders please ensure that they register on the following website YORtender ( to receive a notification of this advert notice. If this future opportunity is of interest, please register interest against this PIN notice.

30/09/2024 12:00:00

85000000-9  Health and social work services

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Town Hall
S70 2TA
Barnsley, South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
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Prior information notice (FTS)
Provision of Healthwatch Barnsley
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