7F-2022-C138 - Grievance Support

To seek support with intervention, mediation, and training with dispute resolution of HR grievances. The aim is to reduce the number of grievances within Kent and Essex Police, to streamline the current grievance process, improve training, create Grievance Resolution Advisors, reduce costs for both forces, in particular employment tribunal claims and to provide a better quality of service for all involved in the process.


24/11/2022 12:00:00

79414000-9  Human resources management consultancy services
79110000-8  Legal advisory and representation services
79111000-5  Legal advisory services
79112000-2  Legal representation services
79140000-7  Legal advisory and information services
80511000-9  Staff training services
80532000-2  Management training services



Published notices
Contract Notice (CTM public site) 10/11/2022 12:38
Grievance Support
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