7F-2021-C086 - Electronic Intervention

Electronic Based Intervention which involves provision of intervention services for offenders to accompany Community Resolution and Conditional Caution. The services cover range of offenders tailored to meet individual needs and should be accessible electronically by individual users on their own devices to enable them work their way through a structured programme in their own time and own pace.


18/04/2022 00:00:00

75200000-8  Provision of services to the community
85322000-2  Community action programme
85312300-2  Guidance and counselling services
85312310-5  Guidance services
85312320-8  Counselling services
98000000-3  Other community, social and personal services
72260000-5  Software-related services
72261000-2  Software support services
72263000-6  Software implementation services
72500000-0  Computer-related services
72600000-6  Computer support and consultancy services
75231100-5  Law-courts-related administrative services
79111000-5  Legal advisory services
79140000-7  Legal advisory and information services

North Kent


Published notices
Prior information notice (FTS)
Electronic Intervention
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