Servicing and Maintenance of Air Handling Equipment

Bradford Metropolitan District Council requires a specialist and competent company to service and maintain its stock of Air Handling Plant and equipment. This may extend to Educational Properties and commercial customers who sign up to the Council’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) which is managed by the Building and Technical Services department.

18/03/2022 15:00:00

50800000-3  Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
42510000-4  Heat-exchange units, air-conditioning and refrigerating equipmen
42511100-2  Heat-exchange units
39717000-1  Fans and air-conditioning appliances
39717200-3  Air-conditioning appliances
71314310-8  Heating engineering services for buildings

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Britannia House, Hall Ings
United Kingdom
View profile

Published notices
Contract Notice (CTM public site) 18/02/2022 15:31
Contract Award Notice (CTM public site) 12/05/2022 13:49
Servicing and Maintenance of Air Handling Equipment
Awarded supplier:

Airco Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd, organisation no: 698272676

Additional information:
Documents Documents