Public company profile

Company information

Name and description

HS1 Ltd
Organisation no (or VAT): 03539665
HS1 Ltd has the 30 year concession to own and operate High Speed 1, the UK’s first section of high speed rail, as well as the stations along the route: St Pancras International, Stratford International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International. High Speed 1 is the rail line between St Pancras International in London and the Channel Tunnel and connects with the international high-speed routes between London and Paris, and London and Brussels.

Contact information

5th floor, Kings Place, 90 York Way
N1 9AG
United Kingdom
HS1 Ltd

Public documents

External links

Buyer profile

  • Utilities
Type of the contracting authority:
- in case of a notice published by a contracting authority
  • Body governed by public law
Main activity
- in case of a notice published by a contracting authority - in case of a notice published by a contracting entity
  • Rail Infrastructure

Procedures for appeal

Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained:
Organisation name
HS1 Ltd
Street Address
Fifth Floor, Kings Place, 90 York Way,
Post code, City
N1 9AG, London
United Kingdom
Body responsible for mediation procedures: