PRO004624 - PRO004624 – Services- Framework- Legal Services

The quote/tender has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

Dear Sir/Madam

TENDER NO: 57400:1

PRO004624 – Services- Framework- Legal Services


On behalf of United Utilities  I invite you to tender for the above mentioned services in line with the accompanying tender documentation.

Please ensure that you read all the contents (documents and web requirements) available on the EU Supply CTM System (the Portal) and that you fully understand the requirements.

If you require further information, whether on technical or commercial matters, please contact me by using the messages functionality on the Portal quoting 57400:1. Any answer and/or additional information will be annonymised and circulated via the Portal messages tab.

Responses must be submitted through the Portal no later than 19/08/2022. No other form of offer will be accepted and it is not possible to submit a response once the deadline has passed.

Should you have any problems with the tendering system please contact both myself and the eu-supply helpdesk stating the issue and the system number: 57400:1.

Yours faithfully


Jake Rose