94939 - Tender for Builders works at Halton Library Community Hub, Leeds, LS15 7JR to carry out Remodelling and Façade Improvement Works

Below you find information regarding this tender. To be able to work on a response for the buyer you have to be registered and logged in.

Dear Bidder,  

You are invited to tender a fixed price quote for the builders works at Halton Library Community Hub, Leeds, LS15 7JR, to carry out remodelling and façade improvement works.

The overall scope of the work involves:

  • Remodelling of the interior space throughout with 2No. accessible enquiry rooms for private customer queries.
  • Enlarged / squared off the existing window openings. Replacing all existing windows with new throughout.
  • Two new window openings to front façade.
  • Enlarged main entrance to accommodate entrance lobby with double sliding doors.
  • External timber cladding and living wall to frontage for façade improvement.
  • Mechanical installations.
  • Electrical installations with full re-wiring.

Project Programme/Key Dates

  • Project Lead-in Period: 4 weeks
  • Estimated Commencement of Works on Site: TBC
  • Estimated Completion Date: TBC

We ask that bidders include within their tender returns:

  • Advice on any extended lead times for materials, if applicable.
  • Time frame for the works.

Please provide a full breakdown of your costs within the tender return. The works will be managed under a JCT minor works contract 2016 with amendments. 

Advice to bidders:

For queries on the tender inquiries or schedule of works and arrange the site visit, please contact Anutheepan Kalithasappulavar, Quantity Surveyor Email: anutheepan.kalithasappulavar@leeds.gov.uk (mailto:anutheepan.kalithasappulavar@leeds.gov.uk)

NOTE: Please note that the tender documentation does not contain anything specific regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and you should submit your bid on the basis of your own knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic at the particular time

Yours faithfully 

LBS Tender Hub