94939 - Tender for Builders works at Halton Library Community Hub, Leeds, LS15 7JR to carry out Remodelling and Façade Improvement Works

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Dear Bidder,  

You are invited to tender a fixed price quote for the builders works at Halton Library Community Hub, Leeds, LS15 7JR, to carry out remodelling and façade improvement works.

The overall scope of the work involves:

  • Remodelling of the interior space throughout with 2No. accessible enquiry rooms for private customer queries.
  • Enlarged / squared off the existing window openings. Replacing all existing windows with new throughout.
  • Two new window openings to front façade.
  • Enlarged main entrance to accommodate entrance lobby with double sliding doors.
  • External timber cladding and living wall to frontage for façade improvement.
  • Mechanical installations.
  • Electrical installations with full re-wiring.

Project Programme/Key Dates

  • Project Lead-in Period: 4 weeks
  • Estimated Commencement of Works on Site: TBC
  • Estimated Completion Date: TBC

We ask that bidders include within their tender returns:

  • Advice on any extended lead times for materials, if applicable.
  • Time frame for the works.

Please provide a full breakdown of your costs within the tender return. The works will be managed under a JCT minor works contract 2016 with amendments. 

Advice to bidders:

For queries on the tender inquiries or schedule of works and arrange the site visit, please contact Anutheepan Kalithasappulavar, Quantity Surveyor Email: anutheepan.kalithasappulavar@leeds.gov.uk (mailto:anutheepan.kalithasappulavar@leeds.gov.uk)

NOTE: Please note that the tender documentation does not contain anything specific regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and you should submit your bid on the basis of your own knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic at the particular time

Yours faithfully 

LBS Tender Hub