24-045 - Supply & Distribution of Baby Packs

Below you find information regarding this tender. To be able to work on a response for the buyer you have to be registered and logged in.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Supply and Distribution of Baby Packs

Reference: 23-226

We are pleased to invite you to tender for Supply and Distribution of Baby Packs, system reference number 85186.

Submission of tenders or any other documents must only be made via the system no later than the time and date specified. Tenders will not be permitted after the stated deadline has passed.  

No approach of any kind must be made regarding this procurement to any other person within or associated with the Council.  To ensure transparency in the tender process all correspondence must be raised through the message facility only.

If you experience technical issues surrounding the use of the system you can contact uksupport@eu-supply.com (mailto:uksupport@eu-supply.com) or call 0800 840 2050 (Mon - Fri 9-5). 

Yours faithfully,

Yvonne Dutton