TR-NWAS-32-21 - Proposed Alterations to Broughton House, Preston PR3 5LN

The quote/tender has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

Dear Sir/Madam


Invitation to offer for: Provision of Proposed Alterations at Broughton House, Preston PR3 5LN with deadline on 28 January 2022 


Offers are invited, subject to the terms of this letter and also to the Terms of Offer, for the supply of the above in accordance with JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2016 Edition as detailed in the ITT suite of documents.


North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NWAS) does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Offer and reserves the right to accept an Offer either in whole or in part, each item being for this purpose treated as offered separately.  NWAS reserves the right to award contracts for the supply of the product/service described above and arising out of this procurement process, to more than one supplier.


Offers must only be returned through our electronic system ( ( no later than  12 noon 28 January 2022. No other form of offer will be accepted.


Tenderers must enclose all required documents and respond to all questions only through our electronic system. Tenderers should login in to the system as soon as possible in order to see all the documentation.


ALL communication with the procurement department should be directed through the electronic tendering messaging facility in order to have full record of all communication.


Failure to comply with these instructions may result in your offer bid being rejected.


Should you  have any technical problems with the electronic system please contact EU-Supply Helpdesk (0800 840 2050) by stating the system number: 48291


Yours faithfully

Linda Sutcliffe

Procurement Department