5161 - Provision of Physiotherapy Services

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The aim of the service is to provide an effective and efficient Occupational Physiotherapy Service which supports Employee Wellbeing in SP&SFARS. The Supplier must ensure that services are provided in an environment that promotes access and ensures safe and effective support. This includes ensuring that there is adequate privacy and confidentiality, cleanliness and maintenance. The Supplier must ensure that they promote easy access to services by offering client choice, e.g. Appointment times. The Supplier must ensure they have paid due regard to the Equality Act 2010 and can evidence, where statutory obligations require, that they meet the needs of those covered by the requirements of the protected characteristics. The Supplier will provide appropriate occupational assessment, advice and treatment for employees of the SP&SFARS. The Supplier is required to provide appropriate advice for line managers and provide clinical information for Occupational Health professionals at the beginning and conclusion of each case. During the Agreement period, the Supplier will provide the Service in a proper and practised manner in line with the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics’ Professional Standards. These processes will work in accordance with employee medical consent guidelines. All referrals, whether employee self-referrals or from Line Managers must be made through OHS&W


19/10/2022 17:00:00

85142100-7  Physiotherapy services

Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire
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Provision of Physiotherapy Services
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