Documents - Lot 96842:1 - Citizen Home Health Safety Check Contract - August 2024
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Appendix 1 - TPC 2005 (amended 2008)_ Heating and Electrical Compliance Contract.PDF970
Appendix 2 - TUPE Confidentiality Declaration.pdf194
Appendix 4 - Statement regarding companies in the same group.pdf188
Appendix 5a - Method Statement Framework.pdf245
Appendix 5b - Method Statement Schedule.xlsx39
Appendix 6a - Price Framework.pdf380
Appendix 6b - Lot 1 Pricing Schedule.xlsx432
Appendix 6b - Lot 2 Pricing Schedule.xlsx432
Appendix 6d - Social Value Framework.pdf346
Appendix 6e - Social Value Schedule - Lot 1.xlsx40
Appendix 6f - Social Value Schedule - Lot 2.xlsx40
Appendix 7a - KPI Framework.pdf394
Appendix 7b - KPI Schedule.xlsx60
Appendix 8a - General Requirements Term Brief.pdf1354
Appendix 8b - Site Overheads and Preliminaries Term Brief.pdf1273
Appendix 8c - Electric Testing Term Brief.pdf804
Appendix 8d - Electrical Upgrade Term Brief.pdf901
Appendix 8e - Comprehensive Domestic Gas Servicing and Compliance Term Brief.pdf799
Appendix 8f - IT Functional Term Brief.pdf804
Appendix 8g - Heating Improvement Term Brief.pdf753
Appendix 8h - Home Health Check Specification.xlsx23
Appendix 9a - CHA - 2. SOP - How an External Contractor Raises a Safeguarding Concern v1.01(1).xlsx218
Appendix 9b - CHA - Team Structure.pdf161
Appendix 9c- CHA - Safeguarding Children Policy.pdf786
Appendix 9d - CHA - Safeguarding Children EIA Oct 2021 V1.00.pdf776
Appendix 9e - CHA - Safeguarding Adult Policy November 2021 v1.1.pdf779
Appendix 9g - CHA - Gas Service Required - 19.9.23.xlsx1506
Appendix 9h - CHA - Gas Access Process Sept 23 Draft.pdf105
Appendix 9i - CHA - Repairs Partnering Interface Principles_v680.pdf1048
Appendix 9j - CHA - Dewis-House_FD30S - Passed.pdf1600
Appendix 9k - CHA - Citizen LD2 Specification - Approved v3.pdf2848
Appendix 9l - CHA - Citizen Housing Technical Protocol_V2_July 23.pdf855
Appendix 9m - CHA - Citizen Home Safety, Gas and Electric Access Process.pdf124
Appendix 9n - CHA - Citizen Heating Safety policy V2.pdf594
Appendix 9o - CHA - Citizen Elelctricity safety policy v1.0.pdf182
Appendix 9p - CHA - Citizen Domestic Homelink Specification - Draft V4.0 03.07.24.pdf133
Appendix 9q - CHA - Breakdowns 1.4.21-31.3.23.xlsx3369
Appendix 9r - CHA - All Group Assets 07-06-23.xlsx3065
Appendix 9s - CHA - 1622 - Heating Attributes - 19.9.23.xlsx1949
Appendix 9t - Aico Product Selector April 2024 - Digital.pdf12194
Citizen Housing - SQ Instructions.pdf345
Citizen Housing - SQ Quality Schedule.xlsx31
Citizen Housing - SQ Questionnaire.xlsx109
Citizen Housing -Assessment of Competency.docx1081
Citizen Housing- SQ Appendix 1 - Lot Bidding Form.pdf195
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