Documents - Lot 96028:1 - Supply and Fit of Galvanised Handrails
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Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 Approved Doc Part M 2015_with_2016_amendments_V3.pdf
 Section 1. Part A Information and Instructions.pdf
 Section 1. Part B Specification.pdf
 Section 1. Part C Evaluation Strategy and Example v3.pdf
 Section 1. Part D Social Value Requirements (Feb23) (2).pdf
 Section 2. Call Off Supply & Fit Service 2024.pdf
 Section 2. Framework Agreement 2024.pdf
 Section 3. Part A to B Tender Return Document.docx
 Section 3. Part C Standard Selection Questionnaire (SSQ).docx
 Section 3. Part D Key Business Requirements - All Values.docx
 Section 3. Part E Appendix A Example - Handrails.pdf
 Section 3. Part E Appendix B Example - Steps Handrails.pdf
 Section 3. Part E Appendix C Example - Gates.pdf
 Section 3. Part E Pricing Schedule (any value).docx
 Section 3. Part E1 Pricing Schedule Handrail Tender Return.xlsx
 SPT019 Doncaster Light TOMs 2021.pdf
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