Documents - Lot 95798:1 - Water Hygiene Services
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 00 - Table of Documents - Water Hygiene Services.docx
 01 - Invitation to Tenderers.docx
 02 - Certificate of Bona Fide Tender.docx
 03 - Certificate of Non-Canvassing D&C.docx
 04 - Form of Tender D&C.docx
 05 - Specification Schedule.docx
 06 - Pricing Schedule.xlsx
 06a - Pricing Schedule Part 2.docx
 07 - Insurance Schedule.docx
 08 - Monitoring Schedule.docx
 08a - Monitoring Schedule Part 2.xlsx
 09 - Complaints Procedure Schedule.docx
 10 - police-national-vetting-service-brochure---august-2022.pdf
 10a price-variation-letter-1-april-2024.pdf
 11 - SWPPS Sustainable Procurement Policy.docx
 12 - Terms and Conditions Services.docx
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