Documents - Lot 93483:1 - Drypool Bridge Substructure Scheme
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document  A1. Invitation to Tender Letter YORcivil3 - Drypool bridge.docx76
document  A2. YORcivil3 Instructions for tendering Drypool bridge V2 4.6.24.docx159
document  Appendix A Ultimate Holding Guarantee Template works.rtf136
document  Appendix B Peformace Bond.doc72
document  Appendix C Collateral Warranty Template for Works.docx40
document  Form of Agreement ECC NEC Option A.doc93
document  Form of Agreement PSC NEC Option E.docx50
document  NEC4 ECC additional conditions of contract (Highways) YORCIVILS 3 Option A.docx80
document  NEC4 PSC additional conditions of contract Drypool v2.docx83
document  Please open Tree on the left and click on each sub.docx19
document  PSC NEC 4 Contract Data - Drypool bridge v3.docx309
document  Risk Register & PSC Contract Notices.xlsx94
document  Scope for Drypool bridge NEC4 PSC v2.docx65
document  Vol 3.2 YORcivil3 Contract Data for Call Offs NEC4 Main Form v2.docx253
document  Vol 3.4 YORcivil3 Contractor Preliminary Book V1.xls85
document  YORcivil3 - Employment and Skills plan-Drypool.xlsx211
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