Documents - Lot 92204:2 - High Performance Computing
Publicly Available DocumentsSize (kB)
HPC Clarifications Document.xlsx11
HPC ITT .docx2594
HPC ITT.docx2595
HPC Quality Questionnaire - How to respond to the questions.docx942
HPC Schedule 1 - High Performance Computers Framework Agreement (HPC) - Supply of Goods and Services v2.docx337
HPC Schedule 12 - SUPC Modern Slavery Statement_ Final.pdf200
HPC Schedule 13- Anti Bribery.pdf149
HPC Schedule 1a - Call Off Order Form.docx27
HPC Schedule 1b - Call_off_terms_and_conditions.docx131
HPC Schedule 2 - Specification.docx2556
HPC Schedule 4 - Quality Questionaire.docx1883
HPC Schedule 4a - Pricing.docx1906
HPC Schedule 4B -Pricing .xlsx21
HPC Schedule 6 - Non-Collusion Certificate and Form of Tender FINAL.docx1868
HPC Schedule 8 - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).docx1868
HPC Schedule 9 - SUPC Supply Chain Code of Conduct.docx90
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