Documents - Lot 68524:1 - Supply of Fresh Meat and Chilled Cooked Meat
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Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 FINAL Appendix 1 - Social Value Guidance.pdf
 FINAL Standard Selection Questionnaire.docx
 FINAL Tender Docs Appendix 2 - Tender Schedule.docx
 FINAL Tender Docs Appendix 3a - Pricing Schedule.docx
 FINAL Tender Docs Appendix 3b - Pricing Schedule.xlsx
 FINAL Tender Docs Appendix 4 - Social Value Response.xlsx
 FINAL Tender Docs Appendix 5 - Prohibited Additives.doc
 FINAL Tender Docs Appendix 6 - Sites for Fresh Meats.xls
 FINAL Tender Docs Part 1 - Instruction to tender.docx
 FINAL Tender Docs Part 2 - Specification.docx
 FINAL Tender Docs Part 3 - terms and conditions.docx
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