Documents - Lot 66809:1 - Provision of Dementia Well-Being Centre
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Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 10-Part 10 Bidder Additional Social Value Guidance Issue 01.docx
 1-Part One - OPEN Invitation to Tender Issue 02.docx
 2-Part 2 - Specification - Issue 01.docx
 3- Part Three - Evaluation Strategy Issue 01.docx
 4-Part Four - Suppliers Questions and Responses Template Issue 01.docx
 5-Part Five - Quality Criteria Response Document Issue 01.docx
 6-Part 6 - Price Criteria Response Document Issue 01.xlsx
 7-Part Seven - Declarations Issue 02.docx
 8 - Part Eight Social Value Response - Issue 01.xlsx
 9-Part Nine Form of Contract.docx
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