Documents - Lot 62014:1 - ITS300435 Nursery Management Software Solution
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 Common Issues with Tender Submissions.pdf
 IDS Core Terms final.docx
 ITS300435 Appendix 1 - Tender Schedule.docx
 ITS300435 CCNMSS - Part 2 Specification - Appendix 2 - BCDR.docx
 ITS300435 NMS Part 1 - Instruction.docx
 ITS300435 NMSS - Appendix 2 Pricing Schedule .xlsx
 ITS300435 Part 1 Appendix 3 - SSQ.docx
 ITS300435 Part 2 Specification - Appendix 3 - Exit Management.docx
 ITS300435 Part 2 Specification (mid-tier).docx
 ITS300435 Part 2a - Non-Functional Requirements.xlsx
 Non Functional Requirements.png
 Schedule 1 - Definitions.docx
 Schedule 10 - Service Levels.docx
 Schedule 13 - Contract Management.docx
 Schedule 14 - Business Cont- Disaster.docx
 Schedule 16 - Security.docx
 Schedule 2 - Specification.docx
 Schedule 20 - Processing Data.docx
 Schedule 21 - Variation Form.docx
 Schedule 22 - Insurance Requirements.docx
 Schedule 24 - Financial Difficulties.docx
 Schedule 25 - Rectification Plan.docx
 Schedule 26 - CSR.docx
 Schedule 28 - ICT Services.docx
 Schedule 30 - Exit Management.docx
 Schedule 32 - Background Checks.docx
 Schedule 4 - Tender.docx
 Schedule 8 - Implementation Plan.docx
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