Documents - Lot 61095:1 - Goole Market Hall
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Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 2. PAS91- 2013 Table 13.docx
 54281 GMH Arch ITQ v2.doc
 54281 GMH Arch ITQ v3.doc
 54281 GMH Arch Scope Rev A1.pdf
 54281 GMH NEC3 Professional Services Contract.doc
 54281 Goole Market Hall 0005 GROUND PLAN.pdf
 54281 Goole Market Hall 0006 FIRST PLAN.pdf
 54281 Goole Market Hall 0007 GROUND CINEMA PLAN.pdf
 54281 Goole Market Hall 0008 FIRST CINEMA PLAN.pdf
 54281 Goole Market Hall Covering Letter REV.A.pdf
 54281 Goole Market Hall Covering Letter.pdf
 54281 Goole Market Hall Feasibility Estimate Appraisal 230622.pdf
 54281_FINAL STAGE 0 REPORT-July_2022.pdf
 BSI PAS_91 2013 with A1 2017.pdf
 Tender Amendment No.1.pdf
 Tender Amendment No.2.pdf
 Tender Amendment No.3.pdf
 Tender Amendment No.4.pdf
 Tender Clarification No.1.pdf
 Tender Clarification No.2.pdf
 Tender Clarification No.3.pdf
 Tender Clarification No.4.pdf
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