Publicly Available Documents | Size (kB) |
Only Available after Expression of Interest |
2. PAS91- 2013 Table 13.docx |
54281 GMH Arch ITQ v2.doc |
54281 GMH Arch ITQ v3.doc |
54281 GMH Arch Scope Rev A1.pdf |
54281 GMH NEC3 Professional Services Contract.doc |
54281 Goole Market Hall 0005 GROUND PLAN.pdf |
54281 Goole Market Hall 0006 FIRST PLAN.pdf |
54281 Goole Market Hall 0007 GROUND CINEMA PLAN.pdf |
54281 Goole Market Hall 0008 FIRST CINEMA PLAN.pdf |
54281 Goole Market Hall Covering Letter REV.A.pdf |
54281 Goole Market Hall Covering Letter.pdf |
54281 Goole Market Hall Feasibility Estimate Appraisal 230622.pdf |
54281_FINAL STAGE 0 REPORT-July_2022.pdf |
BSI PAS_91 2013 with A1 2017.pdf |
Tender Amendment No.1.pdf |
Tender Amendment No.2.pdf |
Tender Amendment No.3.pdf |
Tender Amendment No.4.pdf |
Tender Clarification No.1.pdf |
Tender Clarification No.2.pdf |
Tender Clarification No.3.pdf |
Tender Clarification No.4.pdf |