Documents - Lot 54640:1 - Violence Interventions Providers
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 Annex 1 Response to Requirement.docx
 Annex 2 Pricing Document.docx
 Annex 3 Company details.docx
 Annex 4 Compliance statements.docx
 Annex 5 Confidential or Commercially Sensitive Information.docx
 Appendix 1 Standard T&Cs for Services Medium v10.doc
 Appendix 3 Operational Requirements .docx
 Appendix 4 Data Handling Schedule Category 4.doc
 Appendix 6 Leicestershire Contract Schedule v8.docx
 Appendix 7a TUPE information.xlsx
 Appendix 7b Expenses and Travel Rates.docx
 CONT0157 ITT Violence Intervention Project.docx
 EQUALITY DUTY CONTRACTORS (print version)_POLICE 2015.pdf
 Form of Tender.docx
 Individuals Confidentiality Agreement.doc
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