Documents - Lot 45990:2 -  Lot 3 Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Housing Adaptation Works
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Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 Appendix Five - Customer Satisfaction Survey.docx
 Appendix Four -Specification of Works.docx
 Appendix One - Contract Notice Authorised Customer List.docx
 Appendix Seven - Health and Safety Checklist.doc
 Appendix Six - Schedule of Works.docx
 Appendix Three - Business Continuity Guidance.docx
 Appendix Two - Yorkshire Construction Projects - Minimum Standards Charter.pdf
 Diagram One - Handrails Drawing Model.pdf
 Document Reference List.docx
 Section Four - Overarching Terms and Conditions - PRC V4.docx
 Section One - Invitation to Participate - Overarching Information and Instructions for Tenderers.docx
 Section Three - Request to Participate (RTP).docx
 Section Two - Specification.docx
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