Publicly Available Documents | Size (kB) |
Only Available after Expression of Interest |
001. Covering letter Final.docx |
002. Invitation to Tender FINAL.doc |
Appendix A - Form of Tender AMENDED.docx |
Appendix B - Authority Requirements FINAL.doc |
Appendix C - Framework agreement FINAL.docx |
Appendix D - Instructions to Tenderers.docx |
Appendix E - Pricing Schedule AMENDED.xlsx |
Appendix F - Method Statement AMENDED.docx |
Appendix G - KPIs FINAL (1).xlsx |
Appendix H - Special Conditions (1).pdf |
Appendix I - User guide FINAL.docx |
Appendix J - Corporate Health and Safety Policy 2020-2023.pdf |
Appendix K - Carbon Reduction Plan 2019.pdf |
Appendix L - Social value fund summary and FAQ FINAL.pdf |
Appendix M - Lambeth Skills and Employment Strategy[1].pdf |
Appendix N - Meeting schedule and reporting requirements FINAL.docx |
Appendix O - RIBA work plan stage definitions.docx |
Appendix P - Lambeth Services Consultancy Contract Template 2021 FINAL.docx |