Documents - Lot 41459:1 - General Building: Responsive Maintenance Framework - East
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Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 Appendix A - North Yorkshire East West Split Map.pdf
 Appendix B - Property List (East).xlsx
 Appendix B - Property List (West).xlsx
 Appendix C - TUPE Information.docx
 Appendix D - Responsive Maintenance Key Performance Indicators.xlsx
 JCT Contract Particulars - Responsive Maintenance - East.docx
 JCT Contract Particulars - Responsive Maintenance - West.docx
 Schedule of Amendments JCT MTC - East and West.docx
 Volume 1 Introduction and Scope - Responsive Maintenance.docx
 Volume 2 Specification - Responsive Maintenance.docx
 Volume 3 Pricing Schedule - Responsive Maintenance.xlsx
 Volume 4 Construction Prequalification & Award Questionnaire - Responsive Maintenance.docx
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