Documents - Lot 41351:1 - Lot 1: Bedding and Bathroom Textiles and Associated Student Accommodation Products
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Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 Appendix 1- Specification of Requirements (All Lots).docx
 Appendix 10 – Sample Spend Information Form.xlsx
 Appendix 11- Supply Chain Code of Contract.pdf
 Appendix 12- Cotton Supply Chain Traceability.docx
 Appendix 13 - Student Sales Terms and Conditions - Lots 1&2.doc
 Appendix 2- Selection Criteria Scoring Mechanism (All Lots).xlsx
 Appendix 3- Pricing Schedule (All Lots).xlsx
 Appendix 4- Award Criteria Scoring Mechanism.xlsx
 Appendix 5- Framework Agreement (NWUPC and Supplier).doc
 Appendix 6-Model Contract for the Purchase of Goods.docx
 Appendix 7-Model Contract for the Purchase of Goods and Services.docx
 Appendix 8- Sample Reference Form (Lots 1&2).docx
 Invitation to Tender Document.docx
 Supplier Guide to Tendering.docx
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