Documents - Lot 31085:5 - Camden Property Works Framework Lot 5 - Electrical System Replacement & Major Upgrades
Publicly Available DocumentsSize (kB)
Invitation to Tender - Camden Property Works Framework 140420.pdf455
Schedule 13 F ECC Contract Data (Part 1) ) 02.04.2020.docx156
Schedule 13 H and I ECC Amendments and Z Clauses Updated 02.04.2020.docx95
Schedule 5A. Award Criteria Method Statement and Criteria.pdf204
Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 CITB Client and Local Authority Guidance June 2011.pdf
 Schedule 1 Confirmation of Tender Lots.docx
 Schedule 10 Scope.pdf
 Schedule 11 Performance Measures.pdf
 Schedule 12 Indicative Number of Schemes By Value Band.pdf
 Schedule 13 A Deed of Agreement.docx
 Schedule 13 B Framework Contract Data (Part 1).docx
 Schedule 13 C Framework Contract Data (Part 2).docx
 Schedule 13 D Framework Additional Conditions of Contract.docx
 Schedule 13 E NEC4 Framework Contract_Framework Information.docx
 Schedule 13 G ECC Contract Data (Part 2).docx
 Schedule 13 J ECC Form of Agreement.doc
 Schedule 2 Selection Questionnaire and Criteria.pdf
 Schedule 3 Selection Declaration Page.docx
 Schedule 4 Form of Tender.docx
 Schedule 5B. Social Value Framework Template.xlsx
 Schedule 6 - A Guide to the Pricing Schedule.pdf
 Schedule 6B Lot
 Schedule 6C Lot
 Schedule 7 Pricing Schedule.xlsx
 Schedule 8 Being a Camden Supplier.pdf
 Schedule 9 - Technical
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