Documents - Lot 104812:1 - PRO004874-Services-Framework-Repair of Pumps Lot 1 Small, Simple or Routine
Publicly Available DocumentsSize (kB)
Appendix 1 - WIMES 1.14 i2 Specification.pdf1399
Appendix 2 - Health safety and wellbeing policy April 2023.pdf214
Appendix 3 - Maintenance Sourcing Quotation.xlsx1665
Appendix 4 - UU Warranty Procedure Pumps.docx44
PQQ Appendix A Lot 1 and Lot 2 - Engineer Competency Matrix PRO004874.xlsx29
PRO004874-Repair of Pumps-Modular Framework Services Agreement (bilateral) DRAFT.docx293
PRO004874-Repair of Pumps-Multiple Lots PQQ - BIDDER RESPONSE FORM.docx141
PRO004874-Repair of Pumps-Multiple Lots PQQ - FINAL.docx196
PRO004874-Repair of Pumps-Requirements Scope Book.docx3192
Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 PRO004874 - UU standard ITN - Multiple Lots DRAFT.docx
 PRO004874-READ ME FIRST - Tender Guideline Documents.docx
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