Documents - Lot 102519:1 - Security- Burglar and Intruder Alarms
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Only Available after Expression of Interest 
 7B -Method Statement Burglar &Intruder Alarms Systems Final.docx
 Appendix 4 Supplier Participation Agreement Supply2Sheffield Pay Plus.docx
 Ethical Code of Conduct for Suppliers.docx
 Ethical Procurement Policy.docx
 Part A-Form of Agreement-signed-general services.docx
 Part B-Clauses general services V2.docx
 Part C- Schedules-general services V2.docx
 Pricing Schedule - Intruder Alarms - FINAL.xlsx
 Security- Burglar and Intruder Alarms- ITT Open - 1 Jun 2023 v01.8.doc
 Sheffield City Council FINAL ITT- SV Burglar & Intruder Alarms-94529.docx
 Specification - Intruder Alarms - FINAL.docx
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